Car Magnet Bumper Stickers and Tags
So, let me get this straight —
The Aggrieved Pansy Party re-nominates that 91-felony, 4 time indicted petulant (and no doubt flatulent) 5-year-old Most Aggrieved Pansy of All Aggrieved Pansies — the f*cker who breached our national security and attempted but failed to overthrow the United States Constitution that he swore to preserve, protect and defend — as its candidate for
President of the United States of America.
Meanwhile, the Aggrieved Pansy Glee Club remains in uproar over the ordinary enforcement of our criminal laws, clutching their pearls and twisting their panties over the U.S. Justice System actually following the Rule of Law.
Imagine that.
How come a once-respectable party that claimed to be for Law and Order burst out of its Closet a’cowerin’ behind a trigger while riding a Psychedelic Rainbow Unicorn

(How come that you know of whom I speak?)
This is the 2024 version of “The Land of the Free and the Home of the Brave.”
This is f*cking ridiculous!
Fight back against this Aggrieved Pansy war upon our Ordinary American culture.
You will find some sharp weapons here.
"Aggrieved Pansy, Qty. 1" 2.5 in. sq. Car Magnet Tags"6 Products
"Angrily Confused" 10 x 3 in. Car Magnets5 Products
"Ban Books" 10 x 3 in. Car Magnets5 Products
"Just Not for You" 7 x 2 in. Car Magnets5 Products
"Land of the Home of the " 7 x 2 in. Car Magnets5 Products
"Most Aggrieved Pansy" 10" x 3" Car Magnets5 Products
"One Turd. One Movement" 7" x 2" Car Magnets5 Products
"Pearl Clutchin' An' A'Cowerin'" 10" x 3" Car Magnets5 Products
"Proud Anti-American" 7 x 2 in. Car Magnets5 Products
"Stay Woke" 10" x 3" Car Magnets5 Products
"Would Crucify Him Again" 7" x 2" Car Magnet6 Products
Proud Aggrieved Pansy5 Products
Proud Alpha Aggrieved Pansy5 Products